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Reducing Overnight Wakefulness

Sarah-Louise Waters • Jan 27, 2021

In the last blog we looked into the theory behind answering the question “Why do I always wake up at night?”. That post described how all humans sleep in a series of cycles throughout the night with short gaps of wakefulness in between. In this post we will look into how we can ensure that these gaps are as short and unnoticeable as possible so that we have the impression, at least, of having had a full, deep night’s sleep without interruption.

In my last blog post, I stated that although all humans sleep in exactly the same way with the same movement between light sleep, deep sleep and wakefulness, there can be a marked difference in how people perceive their sleep.  

Individuals who rate themselves as “good” sleepers, tend to spend less time in the lighter levels of sleep (stages 1 and 2), do not return to full consciousness between sleep cycles and if they do, do not pay much attention to them, falling back into sleep quickly and easily. You will often find that these individuals have a high awakening threshold (they are not disturbed from sleep easily) and do not remember their dreams or believe that they do not dream at all. REM sleep is still taking place at the end of each sleep cycle but there has not been enough consciousness to move information about the dream into their memory.

Conversely, individuals who believe themselves to be “poor” sleepers who wake up often, tend to spend less time in the deeper levels of sleep (stages 3 and 4). Spending more time in the lighter levels of sleep increases your chances of being disturbed (or your awakening threshold) which can lighten your sleep level further or bring you back to full consciousness. Such disturbance can come from external sources, i.e. noise, movement of your bed partner, light levels etc, or from within, i.e. pain, intrusive thoughts, stress levels, hormones etc.

An individual’s perception of their sleep will often vary between “good” and “poor” from night to night, week to week, during episodes of stress and, as discussed in the last series of posts, across different age groups. There is not a single person who sleeps well every single night - we all experience some good and some not so good nights - and later in this post we will come back to how to minimise both the internal and external causes of sleep disturbance so that we can obtain the most consistent night available to us. 

Firstly, however, it is important to understand that it is not the waking up overnight per se that causes us the problem with our sleep but the way that we react to these natural gaps between our sleep cycles.

If we accept short bursts of wakefulness as a normal part of our sleep pattern then, even if we are aware of them happening, they do not cause us any anxiety and we find that we can drift back into the next sleep cycle effortlessly. However, if we are of the opinion that these gaps in our sleep are evidence of us being “poor” sleepers or experiencing a “bad” night’s sleep then our response to them will not only be more negative but will also wake us up more, making it harder for us to drift back off and therefore creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.  

To explain this further, imagine what usually happens when you find yourself awake in the middle of the night. The standard response is to roll over, check what time it is and then to do these three things in your mind….

  1. Start to panic that you will not be able to fall asleep again and that you will subsequently feel like rubbish the following day.
  2. Begin to get angry at yourself for being a “bad” sleeper or think that there is something wrong with you (especially if you wake up at the same time every night)
  3. Try too hard to fall back to sleep again

All three of these mental processes will cause you to wake up further and have more difficulty getting back to sleep. Add on top of that the brain’s natural reaction on waking to check in with your bladder and it is easy to see how very innocent periods of wakefulness can lead to extended periods of angst and insomnia.

Top Tip:

If you do find yourself awake during the night, try not to look at the clock as knowing what time it is will kickstart your brain and wake you up even further.

Apart from learning to chill out about waking up, what else can we do to ensure that we are not disturbed overnight. These strategies are what is commonly called “sleep hygiene”. They focus on helping you fall more rapidly into a deep level of sleep and stay there for as long as possible, minimising the chances of waking up from the lighter levels of sleep. These include:

  • Having a strong circadian rhythm (sticking to a routine both day and night).
  • Keeping your bedroom as quiet and as dark as possible.  
  • Sleeping in a room that is between 16 and 18 degrees centigrade.
  • Sleeping without any residual caffeine, alcohol or nicotine in your system.
  • Building up a good amount of sleep pressure (through time, mental and physical activity).
  • Feeling safe and relaxed enough within your environment and with whatever is on your mind.

Adhering to strong sleep hygiene will not mean that you will not still wake up between the end of one sleep cycle and the start of the next, but it will help those gaps to be shorter and less intrusive.

Interesting Point:

If you find that you wake up at the same time every night you should congratulate yourself for sticking to a healthy bedtime routine. If we fall asleep at the same time every night it stands to reason that the gaps in our sleep cycles will also be at the same times.

As discussed in my blog posts relating to how sleep changes with age, it is worth noting that adults experience more and more fragmented sleep as we age. Our ability to enter into and stay in the deep levels of sleep gradually decreases after the age of 25 and so the amount of time that older adults spend awake overnight significantly increases. Below is a series of sleep graphs that illustrate the differences between the sleep cycles of different age groups.  As you can see, the spikes in the graphs, where a return to full consciousness is achieved, become more frequent and potentially more obvious the older we get and the further through the night we go.

Hopefully this blog post has shown you that short periods of wakefulness overnight are a completely normal and natural part of the make up of our sleep.  If, however, you are still bothered by them or you really cannot get back to sleep following one, please contact me for more information on how my sleep coaching programme could help you.

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Additional Reading

Sleep cycles

Sleep pressure

How sleep varies with age

By Sarah-Louise Waters 30 Jan, 2022
Reading is an amazing way of escaping from your own reality. When we become absorbed in a story that is not our own, whether that be via a book or a movie, we put aside our own moods, worries and emotions. The more empathic we are, the more we are able to put ourselves into the shoes of the characters and let go of our own personal narrative. The benefits of doing this before settling down to sleep, especially for us highly-sensitive empaths, are immense. The ease by which we can fall asleep, the depth of that sleep and its length are all governed by how "safe" our brains feel at the time. If we are stressed, currently going though an emotional or practical upheaval, or are generally finding it difficult to switch off from the day, then our brain is going to want to keep us awake in order to continue its processing. Annoying as it is, this is simply your subconscious' way of sifting through data, resolving problems and (hopefully!) finding solutions. While nothing will ever truly be a better option than dealing with whatever is stressing you out in daylight hours, it would be ridiculous to think that there will never be a time that you go to bed with something on your mind, and this is especially true for highly sensitive, empathic individuals. Reading a book (even for a short space of time) can offer you the distraction that you need to put this issue to one-side and drift off. There are however some rules to remember when it comes to pre-sleep reading, particularly with regards to the content of what you read... 1) The topic should be interesting enough to capture your attention and stop you thinking about your worries. A text book may work, but only if you can actually concentrate on what you are reading without your brain wandering off on a tangent. 2) Reading about something you find emotionally disturbing (murder, rape, child abuse etc) will raise your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are detrimental to sleeping well. 3) Reading a thrilling page-turner may lead you to still being awake at 2am because you just want to finish the next chapter, and the next, and the next (you get the idea!). 4) Picking a favourite book that you've already read can be a great idea - it will give you all the feels and distraction, without the need to continually page-turn as you already know what's coming. 5) If you find reading difficult because you are sight-impaired, dyslexic or have another form of reading difficulty, or simply because reading reminds you of an academic past you would rather forget, listen to an audiobook instead. You're still getting all of the sleep advantages of reading, but without the discomfort. 6) Never read anything related to your work just before bed. Reading should be about distancing yourself from stress, not inviting it in. 7) Be aware that reading on an electronic device means subjecting yourself to additional cues that now is not the right time for sleep (i.e. blue light exposure). Kindles don't smell or feel as good as a proper book either! If you are finding it difficult to fall asleep and would like some further help in the form of some sleep coaching sessions, please click on the button below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
By Sarah-Louise Waters 03 May, 2021
“Caffeine is the most widely used (and abused) psychoactive stimulant in the world.” (Walker, Why We Sleep, 2017) Introduction 80% of the world’s population consume caffeine in one form or another and coffee is the second most traded substance in the world, second only to oil. Our love affair with caffeine stretches around the globe and has done for centuries. Most people will have a basic understanding that caffeine has a negative effect on sleep, but this blog post has been written to better inform readers about how caffeine works and to try to help individuals reassess their current “need” for caffeine. Before I begin I would just like to clarify that I am not judging anyone for their use of caffeine. This blog post is not an attempt to guilt you into giving up something that you enjoy. What it is asking you to do is to reassess your current use and the reasons why you use caffeine. If you actually “need” caffeine to get you through the day then you should probably come clean and admit to yourself why. Mostly people use caffeine to bolster low energy levels and they have low energy levels because they have not slept well enough or for long enough the night before. If this is the case for you then I would recommend that you sort out your sleep issues first rather than simply papering over the cracks with another cup of coffee. What is caffeine? Caffeine is a psychoactive drug classified as a stimulant because it speeds up the central nervous system and increases neural activity in the brain. Other psychoactive stimulant drugs include amphetamine (speed), cocaine and nicotine. Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical present in cocoa, coffee, cola and most teas. Below I have listed the most common foods and drinks that contain caffeine and their caffeine content. For the sake of easy comparison, I have adjusted them so that they are all per 100ml or 100gm. However, please remember that we do not always consume 100ml/gm of a product and therefore the amount of caffeine you are ingesting will vary depending on the size of the mug/chocolate bar/can etc. For example, a Starbucks Grande coffee is nearly half a litre (473ml) and contains 330mg of caffeine! Interesting Fact Plants use caffeine as a natural pesticide as it is highly toxic to most insects. It is also worth noting that the caffeine content of tea and coffee will vary greatly depending on how long you leave the drink to brew. In the table below, the tea was left to brew for one minute. If you prefer a stronger cup, the amount of caffeine in that drink will be higher.
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